Tuesday, January 10, 2006

a new you

I found this nice self-help article from the website of the Philippine Daily Inquirer that I wanna share:

Inside Out : A new you First posted 07:39pm (Mla time) Jan 09, 2006
By Cory Quirino

Inquirer Editor's Note: Published on Page C4 of the January 10, 2006 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

“I will see it when I believe it.” —Wayne Dyer

TIME and again, psychotherapists and life coaches have said it: Quit the negative programming and replace it with the positive. Easier said than done.

So, how does one begin? Countless seminars have been developed to overcome obstacles largely created by the mind with the objective of mastering the self.

Mind coach Cornelius Pols, in a one-hour session at the serene amphitheater of the Farm Medical Spa in San Benito, said human beings are naturally self-reflective; therefore, we are always thinking whether something will be self-uplifting or self-defeating.


A built-in mechanism inside of us all automatically goes on self-destruct each time we go through an unpleasant experience. Traumas, hurts, pains, failures are played constantly, reminding us to fear an actual re-enactment of the experience. The past, if not seen in its proper perspective, will eventually color present and future experiences.

Visualization techniques

There are several effective and fun ways to by-pass this self-destruct tendency. Try them and see how they can easily change your experience by giving you a new perspective and a new feeling.

Donald Duck

Retrieve from your mind a sad or disturbing experience.
1. Now imagine that the person who caused you pain has changed his/her voice to Donald Duck’s while still saying the same hurtful things once said to you.
2. Hold on to this visualization and store it in your mind as the new memory.

In the movies

1. Take a negative experience. Play it out in your mind. See the drama that once caused you pain—and still does each time you recall it.
2. Now, set it to the musical scoring of your favorite movie—Star Wars, Superman, etc.
3. Raise the volume of the music until it drowns out the hurtful conversations.
4. From now on, your bad memory will be set to music. And all you will remember is the dramatic melody drowning out all sorrows.

Shattered glass

1. Retrieve the painful memory. Turn it into a picture.
2. Transfer it onto glass or a mirror.
3. See it before you.
4. Now allow it to break up into tiny pieces until it is no longer there.
5. Keep replacing the old hurts one after the other as fast as you can.
6. Exhaust every trauma and obliterate it like small shattered splinters of glass.

Master painting

1. Choose a memory you want to erase from your mind.
2. Imagine all the details of this experience.
3. Transfer it onto a canvass as though capturing it within a picture frame.
4. Have the hurt converted into a master painting by Michelangelo, Picasso, Amorsolo, etc. Soften the colors of your experience or express them loudly in bold shapes for you are the master painter.
5. Know that the pain is now outside yourself and can no longer hurt you.

New you

1. Picture yourself as you would like to be, say a year or two from today.
2. Project onto your right side a few feet in front of you (if you are right-handed), or on the left side (if you are left-handed).
3. If the image of your new self is acceptable to you, your instincts will confirm this. Like an audition, present before yourself several new versions of you.
4. Take your time. You can have several versions. Perhaps you would like to look slimmer and younger, happier, more successful, etc. The choices are yours.
5. Once you find the right new version of you, accept it as who you will become.
6. Each night before going to bed, recall the new image and affirm to yourself: “Yes, this is who I will be.”

Breathing in the new

1. Make it a daily habit to do slow deep-breathing exercise preferably first thing in the morning.
2. Stand up, raise your arms toward the sky as you inhale.
3. Hold your breath.
4. Exhale slowly.

Beauty brush-up

1. Get a small towel, rub it against your skin for 5-7 minutes.
2. Use upward strokes from feet to neck.
3. This will get your lymph moving to help circulation and detoxify your body.


Newness begins in the mind, though it is fueled by the heart. Life offers so many possibilities to create and re-create. If you want to change your life as wise men say, begin by changing yourself.

Love and light!

Reference: Cornelius Pols, mind coach (call 0917-4205257; e-mail junpols@yahoo.com)

E-mail the author at coryquirino_fy@yahoo.com

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